Compliance: What we stand for

Integrity, honesty, respect for human dignity, and the responsible use of our natural resources are very important to us. That is why we pursue an integrally sustainable business approach that we believe is fully consistent with statutory regulations and business integrity. The company and management at the Werner & Mertz Group are unequivocally committed to this.

Compliance is a given for us in view of our philosophy. We believe that adherence to laws, regulations, guidelines and the rules of the game is a fundamental principle of economically sustainable actions. We observe the applicable legal regulations, prohibitions and obligations, even if this may disadvantage the company economically in the short term or pose special challenges for the people involved. In particular, this also applies when following the rules does not seem an attractive proposition at first and makes things inconvenient. Violations are not tolerated and may also have personal consequences.

We pursue clear compliance objectives that define our compliance programme and produce regular and comprehensive reports in this regard.

Code of Conduct

The company’s integrally sustainable philosophy determines how we act and is therefore also reflected in the Werner & Mertz Group Code of Conduct. This summarises the key compliance rules for lawful and ethical business conduct and builds on our traditional family values of openness, discipline, confidence and setting an example.

We also observe our indirect business environment and endeavour to appropriately counter the possible negative effects of the supply chain. To this end, we have established various internal processes and agreed the Code of Conduct for business partners with the relevant suppliers. This is based on international conventions and the highest environmental standards.

Declaration of principle

As Werner & Mertz GmbH, we want to make a responsible contribution to social and ecological sustainability and ensure that ethical and environmentally friendly practices are promoted along the supply chain. For us, this is a question of attitude and a basic principle of economically sustainable action. Our Declaration of Principles on Human Rights brings together key issues relating to human rights and environmental due diligence.


Reliable information helps us to identify violations early on and reduce the damage to our company, employees and business partners. There are several ways to communicate with us – including anonymously via our whistleblower system if preferred.

For this purpose, a neutral reporting office managed by a whistleblower officer has been set up in the Werner & Mertz Group.

The reporting office is responsible for receiving and processing reports and communicating with the reporting person via the digital whistleblower channel (Integrity Line) confidentially and – where permitted – anonymously. The current whistleblower officer is:

Kliemt.HR lawyers

Dr. Jan Heuer
Speditionstraße 21
D-40221 Düsseldorf

All employees in the company group and third parties that do business with the Werner & Mertz Group have the option to provide whistleblower information. Werner & Mertz protects the interests of whistleblowers through the implementation of this secure whistleblower system and also through its commitment to treat any information received as confidential and to use all possible means to protect whistleblowers acting in good faith against any disadvantages resulting from filing a report (protection against reprisals).

While clarifying the information received, we take equal account of the legitimate interests of the individuals affected by the report. Please bear in mind that suspicions and allegations vis-à-vis an individual may result in serious consequences for that person. Therefore, we ask that you use the whistleblower system responsibly.

If you would like to provide information, we can be contacted in the following ways.

You can reach out directly to Compliance Management at the Werner & Mertz Group

or submit your information in writing or as a voice message via the whistleblower system – the Werner & Mertz Integrity Line. Please click on the link below for this. You will then be redirected to an external site.

You also have the option of reporting information in accordance with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) via the following link. You will then be redirected to an external site.

That external site contains details on language selection, use, whistleblower anonymity, data privacy, etc.