Frosch achieves highest recommend ranking in entire WPR market!
Representative ranking from YouGov again verifies the deep trust in the brand
The Frosch brand enjoys great trust among consumers. That was confirmed again in the Highest Recommend Ranking 2024 from from YouGov in cooperation with the Handlelsblatt. For the second year in a row, the umbrella brand Frosch took first place in the Laundry and Cleaning Products (WPR) category. The survey based on the key figure of spontaneous recommend rating makes the brand’s advantage in consumer trust measurable.

Frosch won over consumers with detergents
Of special note is that the Frosch brand was successful not just in its original core area, that is, cleaning products, but also in laundry detergents. In the large, price-sensitive detergent market, Frosch triumphed over major manufacturers such as Persil and Ariel and enjoyed the greatest consumer trust. The manufacturing company Werner & Mertz has championed ecological products with Frosch from the start. Fabric softener, for example, has always been vegan and free of microplastic with a high share of surfactants made from European ingredients. For some years, both fabric softener and liquid laundry detergent have been sold in patented, high-quality recyclable stand-up pouches. Consumers are thus offered fully recyclable products that impress consumers with high performance and quality.
“A customer’s recommendation is the greatest good one can achieve in ‘brand life’ as it stands for satisfaction and first choice of the brand or the product,” says Frosch Marketing Manager Germany Karin Greve. “It is praise that we handle with care because trust is built up only slowly and then has to be actively maintained.”
About the ranking:
For the Highest Customer Recommendation ranking, YouGov, in cooperation with Handelsblatt, conducted online interviews from 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2024 with consumers who were asked if they would recommend the brands they use to others. The scores were calculated by subtracting the proportion of negative mentions from the proportion of positive mentions in answers to the questions “Which of these brands would you recommend to a friend or colleague?” and “Which of these brands would you advise a friend or colleague against using?” The Recommend Score lies on a scale from -100 to +100 points. More information about the ranking at: Höchste Kundenempfehlung 2024 (