Popular Green Care Performance Calculator now even better!
Just a few clicks to certificate for resource conservation
The Professional Division of Werner & Mertz, Tana-Chemie GmbH, has significantly improved its Green Care Performance Calculator for users in many ways. The free online tool makes it possibe for companies in the professional cleaning industry to calculate the avoidance of CO2, virgin plastic and crude oil that they can achieve by switching to sustainable products from Green Care Professional.
The tool has enjoyed great popularity among customers of the Mainz manufacturer. In the current version the basic method of calculation is unchanged. What’s new is the design and the optimized navigation. Changes have been made to the certificate, which the user receives when the calculation is completed.
“With the newly designed Green Care Performance Calculator, we give our customers an even better instrument to help them quantify their engagement in the circular economy and communicate their results,” said Thomas Ulbricht, Head of Werner & Mertz Professional. “In times when the focus on sustainability is growing, our tool provides black and white proof of our products’ ecological benefits.”

Modern look and improved use
For one thing, the overall design has been modernized to give the Website a streamlined appearance. The user experience and the tool’s operability have been optimized. Intuitive navigation and easily understood text make it even easier with just a few clicks to determine resource conservation achieved with the use of Green Care Professional products.
Revisions were made to the certificate, which the Performance Calculator issues upon request. It has a fresh new look that presents the results in an easily understood display. As in the earlier version, the cleaning company’s own logo can be integrated in the certificate. Users get an effective sustainability communications tool with which they can clearly distinguish themselves from less ecologically-minded competitors.
Sustainability calculator is helpful tool for bids
The calculator compares products from Werner & Mertz Professional with identical cleaning products that do not use plastic recyclate and renewable raw materials. Resource savings in packaging and formulations also are taken into consideration. The tool permits certification of results that support bids for tenders based on sustainable procurement criteria.
“Our goal is to best prepare companies for the transition to a genuine circular economy,“ says Ulbricht. “With the Green Care Performance Calculator we’re making our engagement for sustainable product design into a competitive advantage for our customers, especially with regard to future political and regulatory requirements.”
The calculation method was developed in-house by the departments Research & Development, Packaging Development and International Marketing in 2018. An independent examination by INTECHNICA GmbH validated the reliability and correctness of the calculated results.
Available in many languages
In order to reach a growing international public, the new version of the Performance Calculator has been made available in many more languages. Effective immediately, users can choose from among 15 versions, including internationally used languages such as German, English, French and Italian, plus Norwegian, Finnish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian and Polish.
You’ll find the new Green Care Performance Calculator here: green-care-professional.com