26.02.2025 - Mainz - Company-News

Quality is the best sustainability!

Frosch brand of eco pioneer Werner & Mertz is price/performance victor in YouGov ranking

Quality gets noticed! The Frosch brand from the Mainz manufacturer came out ahead of brands like Spee and Pril in a representative ranking to win the title Price/Performance Winner 2025 in the category laundry detergents and cleaning products.

The results are from a survey conducted by YouGov in cooperation with the Handelsblatt. The brand with the best price/performance ratio was determined from more than 900,000 representative online interviews with consumers.

Frosch proves: Quality is the best sustainability!

“A key to success is offering high quality at reasonable prices,“ according to the Handelsblatt article about the ranking. By no means one of the cheaper brands, Frosch regularly achieves very good results in Stiftung Warentest, which is proof of the outstanding quality of the products.

Handelsblatt editor Alena Hecker wrote, “Continuous innovation is a decisive factor for quality.“ The manufacturer Werner & Mertz has achieved distinction through its progressive innovations in the area of sustainability. With its Recyclate Initiative, the company has developed packaging made of high-quality recycled plastic with a high proportion of material from household waste collection. Currently all bottles for the Frosch brand are made of 100 percent recyclate with 75 percent Yellow Bag material and are completely recyclable. For its formula ingredients, Werner & Mertz uses surfactants made from plants cultivated in Europe. Here too the company has taken on a pioneering role.

“When consumers perceive a brand as credible and consistent—with quality to match—they are likely to attach a higher value to it. The cheapest price is then no longer a prerequisite for the best price/performance ratio,” says Werner & Mertz owner Reinhard Schneider.

About the survey:

In cooperation with the Handelsblatt, YouGov conducted online interviews with consumers from December 2023 to November 2024 to obtain a representative ranking of 872 brands in 32 categories. The brands could achieve a score between minus 100 to plus 100 points. To calculate the perceived price/performance ratio, YouGov offset the responses to the questions “Which brand stands for a good price/performance ratio?” and “Which brand stands for a bad price/performance ratio?” against each other by subtracting the negative mentions from the positive. The score represents a brand’s average performance. The Frosch brand achieved a score of 28.7.

Link to the previously mentioned Handelsblatt article (in German): Ranking 2025: Das sind die Marken mit dem besten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis