Reinhard Schneider is guest at Nachhaltigkeitsclub Salzburg
“How do we reconcile climate change and the economy?” was the topic of discussion when Werner & Mertz owner Reinhard Schneider and meteorologist and climate expert Marcus Wadsak met in the historic atmosphere of Schloss Leopoldskron at the invitation of the Nachhaltigkeitsclub Salzburg.
An evening dedicated to the pressing question of climate change and the economy was hosted by the Nachhaltigkeitsclub Salzburg. In a podium discussion with Marcus Wadsak, guest of honor Reinhard Schneider, owner of Werner & Mertz, shared his expertise and experience regarding the long-established circular economy in his company with a diverse audience of business managers and pioneers.

Circular economy as key to the future
Schneider showed how a real sustainability transformation succeeds in companies and why the circular economy is the key to a future within the planetary boundaries. With brands such as Frosch and Green Care Professional, he sets his stake on a resource-conserving circular economy that drives climate protection and ensures biological diversity. His explanations and practical examples made it clear that sustainable business is not only feasible, but also urgently needed.

Discussion about climate change and the economy
Prior to the discussion, Wadsak spoke about the most frequently heard myths and misunderstandings regarding climate change. With graphics and explanations, he presented scientific facts to the audience and debunked common misconceptions. Wadsak emphasized the importance of facts, saying that they can help to convince the last doubters and skeptics.
Wadsak and Schneider then took up the question “How do we reconcile climate change and the economy?” The speakers gave the audience their insights into sustainable business, the role of companies in climate protection and the necessity of a genuine circular economy.
“Credibility and investments in practical technologies are factors needed to generate sustainable corporate success. Our goal is to demonstrate that we are already using sustainable and, above all, functioning alternatives in order to take away consumers’ fear of missing out, to strengthen their trust, and to motivate them to assume responsibility for a sustainable future,” said Schneider.
It was an evening of realizations and inspiration that made participants confident and encouraged them to get actively involved in shaping a sustainable future.

About the Nachhaltigkeitsclub Salzburg
The Nachhaltigkeitsclub Salzburg strives to call attention to climate-friendly business models and to raise awareness in everyday business life. The Club, founded by Julia Skardarasy and Jasmin Ebner in May 2022, brings together companies, organizations and persons in the field of sustainability with the goal of having a positive effect on the environment and society.