18.09.2024 - Mainz - Company-News

The source matters for the climate! Werner & Mertz and Frosch campaign for the effective circular economy

The Yellow Bag is a film star! It is featured in amusing animated spots by Werner & Mertz and Frosch that show what the circular economy means and how easily consumers can make it a part of their everyday lives. Three films released by the Mainz cleaning products manufacturer, best known for its trusted Frosch brand, present the resource-conserving circular economy, mechanical recycling and the Yellow Bag as the source of high-quality plastic packaging made of recyclate. Jello, the Yellow Bag, is the central link in the spots. His green recycling heart beats for a clean environment. Always ready for a little fun, Jello stands for high-quality mechanical recycling. The films show that with the Yellow Bag we have the ideal source for used plastic right outside our house.

In the spot Jungbrunnen mechanisches Recycling (fountain of youth—mechanical recycling), the Yellow Bag Jello explains to the dishwashing liquid bottle Aloée in the kitchen that she can be reborn again and again. Mechanical recycling starts with her happy jump into the Yellow Bag. Then the packaging can be recycled in a high-quality, resource-conserving process in a recycling center. A new cycle can begin.

A made-up language puts some fun into serious lessons

Three additional characters, namely Flecki, Checky and Bäm, appear in the two spots Fleckenzwerge in der Rezyklat-Schule (dwarf stain removers in the recyclate school) and Fleckenzwerge im Recyclatventure-Park (dwarf stain removers in recyclatventure park). They make up a lively trio with charm and cheeky humor. Together they go to the Frosch Recyclate School to learn the basics of the circular economy. The film maker invented Fleckzwergisch, a special language just for the three characters. It contains invented words and terms, some of which sound a bit like real languages. What sounds at first like childish gibberish serves to teach important keywords in a fun and funny way. Of course all the actors understand Fleckzwergish and translate it for viewers.

In addition to their release on YouTube, the spots will appear in a campaign on the company’s social media channels. As a supplement to the campaign, gamification is used to amuse and engage  consumers while they learn about the benefits of mechanical recycling.