Integral Sustainability Management
Our success story is based on the highest standards for sustainability and quality, which reinforces the solid trust consumers have in our products and brands.
We have developed our integral sustainability management in order to live up to our high standards.
Environmental Statements issued by Werner & Mertz are an essential element. We ensure our continued progress by means of our extensive certifications and associated internal and external audits.
Of special importance to us is EMAS (European Eco Management and Audit Scheme), the world’s most extensive and highest quality system for sustainable Environmental Managment. Our Environmental Statements are based on demanding EMAS requirements. The scheme has been used in Mainz since 2003 and in Hallein since 2005. It makes possible objective Environmental Management with “climate monitoring” based on key performance indicators. Year after year, Werner & Mertz develops exemplary solutions and measures for sustainable formulas, packaging and production processes.
With EMAS validation of our production sites, we can provide transparent proof of how consistently we live our sustainability philosophy. Therefore, EMAS reinforces the great trust our customers have in our products.
Environmental Statements
We consider it important to communicate our progress transparently. In our Environmental Statements since 2003, we have reported the development, success and goals of the entire company. The reports document activities at the sites in Mainz and Hallein and show how Werner & Mertz practices sustainability in the areas of economy, social responsibility and ecology.
The Environmental Statements are proof of the company’s successes in climate and environmental protection. They provide evidence of how Werner & Mertz protects the climate and promotes biodiversity with an outstanding energy-conserving circular economy.

ISO 14001 und ISO 50001
Since we began using EMAS, the Werner & Mertz production sites also have been certified according to ISO 14001 criteria, the internationally recognized standard for Environmental Management Systems. Our Energy Management is certified according to ISO 50001 standards.
Information about our philosophy
The Website provides information about our philosophy. There we report in compliance with the German Sustainability Code and show how our activities and innovations contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Within the scope of reporting, as required by the Sustainability Code, we declare our position on ecological, economic and social aspects. To us, integral sustainability means that we take all three pillars of sustainability into consideration.
Questions concerning our sustainability management
For any questions concerning our sustainability management please contact:
Werner & Mertz GmbH
Rheinallee 96
55120 Mainz